and Spectroscopy of Thermotropic Liquid Crystals
In the last 10
years, the group has been working on
electro-optical and structural properties of smectic and nematic
liquid crystals. Its most significant
contributions during that period are:
- The finding of the
unique structural phase transition
in the nematic liquid-crystal phase of smectic C-order;
- The
finding of
the chiral smectic (CG) phase of lowest
symmetry (triclinik) in nanocomposites of thermotropis
liquid crystals built of dimer molecules and carbon nanotubes.
- A successfully
defended PhD thesis and a position for
a new PhD student.
Boiko Katranchev
received the Young scientist award
“Acad. Ivan Geshov” of BAS in physics.
A monograph by M.
Petrov has been published: „Optical and
electro-optical properties of liquid crystals: nematic and
smectic phases”.
Boyko Pavlov Katranchev
2008 February
2008 November
2007 2002-2007 2001 1995 |
Assist. Prof. in Department of Optics and Spectroscopy, Institute of Solid State Physics Ph.D. in physics Defense of Ph.D. thesis Title of Ph.D. thesis: ‘Surface and electrooptical properties of the nematic liquid crystals with short range smectic C order’ Ph.D. student,
Institute of Solid State Physics Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences MS degree in Laser Physics and Solid State Physics, Departments of Sofia University Title of M.S.
thesis: ‘Temperature
photoacoustic module’ Sofia Mathematical High School |
Scientific Awards:
of Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences for the youngest scientists ‘Acad. Ivan Evstratiev
in Physics
for 2006.
Member of: Bulgarian Physics Society; Bulgarian Liquid Crystals Society.
Research interests: Liquid crystals, Smectic C, Dendrites, Electroconvection, Surface memory effect, Nanocomposites, Carbone nanotubes.
1. B.Katranchev, H. Naradikian, E. Keskinova, M.P. Petrov and J.P.Marcerou, ‘The elekcroconvective dendrites in nematics with short range smectic order liquid crystal – 4,n-alkyloxybezoic acids’, Liq. Cryst. (UK), 31, No. 12, 1663–1676 (2004).
2. Antonova K., Katranchev B., Petrov M., Marcerou J.P., Baran J., Ratajczak H, ‘FT-Far IR spectroscopy and microtextural polarization analysis of complexes: nematics with hydrogen bonded in dimers molecules and hydroxypiridine’, J. Mol. Structure, 694, 105–113 (2004).
3. H.Naradikian, B. Katranchev, E.Keskinova and M. Petrov, Chirality in hydrogen bonded in dimers achiral liquid crystals, Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Heron Press 4, 219–222, (2004).
4. B.Katranchev and M.Petrov, ‘Surface memorization driven by surface polar angle values in achiral and induced by mixture chiral liquid crystals’, Bul. J. Phys., 31, 111-117 (2004).
5. H. Naradikian, B.Katranchev, E. Keskinova, J.P.Marcerou and M.P. Petrov, ‘Thermal and elecroconvective dendrites in the nematic phase with short range smectic order of 4,n-heptyl and 4,n-octyloxybenzoic acids’, Bul. J. Phys., 31, 118-129 (2004).
6. H. Naradikian, B.Katranchev, T.Angelov, R.Ugrinov, ‘Optical properties in polymer stabilized liquid crystal indicator used in the thermometry’, Bul. J. Phys., 31, 130-134 (2004).
7. B. Katranchev and M. Petrov,
‘Surface orientation of
smectics C and nematic with
short range smectic C order using holographic diffraction grating’,
Journal of
Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 7,
p. 265-268, (2005).
8. B.
Katranchev, H. Naradikian and M.
Petrov, ‘The role of hydrogen bonding for initiation of chirality,
and physical gel in nematic with short range smectic C order’, Journal
Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 7, p.
273-276, (2005).
9. T. Angelov, B. Katranchev and M. Petrov, ‘High temperature formation of polymer – dispersed hydrogen bonded liquid crystals’, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 7, p. 281-284, (2005).
10. Kr.
Panayotov, T. Angelov, H. Naradikian, B Katranchev and M. Petrov
optical fibers obtained by liquid crystal photonic bandgap, Photonic
Fibers (PCFs)’, Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Heron Press, 6,
100-103, 2006.
11. Á. Ï. Êàòðàí÷åâ, ‘Ïîâúðõíèííà ïàìåò óïðàâëÿâàíà ÷ðåç
ïîâúðõíèííèòå ïîëÿðíè úãëè â îðèåíòèðàíè ñìåêòè÷íè Ñ òå÷íè êðèñòàëè’, ‘Ñïèñàíèå íà ÁÀÍ’ (êí. 1/2006) p. 53.
12. M. Petrov, B. Katranchev, E. Keskinova and H. Naradikian, ‘The electroconvection in dimeric nematic liquid crystals’, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 9, 438-441, 2007.
M. Petrov, B. Katranchev and
H. Naradikian, ‘Surface
anchoring breaking in smectic
C liquid crystals’, Journal of Optoelectronics and
Advanced Materials, 9,
442-445, 2007.
14. M. Petrov, B. Katranchev, H.
Naradikian, T. Angelov, K. Panajotov
and A. Zheltikov, ‘Electrically tunable chiral nematic liquid crystal photonic crystal fibers’, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 9, 446-448, 2007.
15. Petrov, M., Keskinova, E., Katranchev, B., ‘The electroconvection in the nematic liquid crystals with short range smectic C order’ Journal of Molecular Liquids, 138, 130-138, 2008.
16. B. Katranchev, M. Petrov, ‘Prewavy electrohydrodynamic instability in dimeric nematic liquid crystals with short range smectic C order’, Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 62, No 3, 329-334, 2009.
17. M. P. Petrov, and B. Katranchev, ‘The bulk twist action on the single local monocrystals of the smectic C liquid crystal’, Phase Transitions, 82 (5), 366 – 376, 2009.
18. M. Petrov, E. Keskinova, H. Naradikian and B. Katranchev, ‘Diffraction grating effect in smectic C and nematic liquid crystals at obliquely incident coherent laser light’, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 11 (9), 1226 - 1229, 2009.
19. B.Katranchev, H. Naradikian, E. Keskinova and M. Petrov, ‘The role of the negative electroconductivity anisotropy at the electroconvection in nematic liquid crystals with short range smectic C order’, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 253, 012062, 2010.
20. M. Petrov, E. Keskinova, B. Katranchev and H. Naradikian, ‘Electroconvection in dimeric nematic liquid crystals with short range smectic C order. Dynamical characteristics’, Liquid Crystals, 38 (1), 41-52, 2011.
21. M Petrov, B Katranchev, P M Rafailov, H Naradikian, U Dettlaff-Weglikowska and E Keskinova, ‘Optical
properties of dimeric liquid crystals
doped with single-walled carbon nanotubes’, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.,
398, 012035,
22. B. Katranchev, M. Petrov, I. Bineva, Z. Levi, M. Mineva, ‘Smectic C liquid crystal growth through surface orientation by ZnxCd1-xSe thin films’, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 398, 012036, 2012.
23. M.
Petrov, B. Katranchev, P.M.
Rafailov, H. Naradikian, U. Dettlaff-Weglikowska
and E. Keskinova, ‘Smectic C liquid crystal growth and memory effect through surface orientation by carbon nanotubes’, J. Mol. Liq.,
180, 215–220, 2013.
24. M. Petrov, B. Katranchev, P.M. Rafailov, H. Naradikian, U.
Dettlaff-Weglikowska, E. Keskinova
and T. Spassov, ‘Phases and properties of nanocomposites of hydrogen-bonded liquid crystals and carbon nanotubes’, Phys. Rev.
E, 88,
042503, 2013.
25. B. Katranchev, M. Petrov, I. Bineva, Z. Aneva, and D. Nesheva, ‘Orientation of dimeric liquid crystals through ZnXCd1-XSe nanostructured surfaces’, Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 13,
98-100, 2013.
26. B Katranchev,
M Petrov, E
Keskinova, H Naradikian, P M Rafailov, U
Dettlaff-Weglikowska and T. Spassov, ‘Liquid crystal nanocomposites produced
by mixures of hydrogen bonded achiral liquid crystals and functionalized carbon nanotubes’, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 558,
012024, 2014.
K. Zhelyazkova, G. Dyankov, M. Petrov, B. Katranchev, ‘Surface plasmon resonance on the surface: metal - liquid crystal layer’, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 558,
012023, 2014.
28. K Zhelyazkova, M Petrov, B Katranchev, G Dyankov, ‘An anisotropic stratified structure for surface plasmon excitation’, Proc. SPIE, 9447,
94470C, 2015.
29. B. Katranchev, M
Petrov, ‘Phase transitions
in nanocomposites of hydrogenbonded dimeric liquid crystals with mesogenic and non-mesogenic components, Phase transitions, 89
(2), 115-132, 2016.