Holographic Diffraction Gratings

During the last decade Svetlen Tonchev achieved significant success, mainly with the practical application of resonant periodic structures. A number of new resonant diffraction elements were created which allow an efficient control and improvement of laser emission parameters.

 Svetlen Tonchev, Ph.D.

Newport Corporation

705 St. Paul Street, Rochester, NY 14605

Phone:   office      585 248 4225
mobile    585 748 0699

E-mail:      Svetlen.Tonchev@Newport.com


2012- Present
Richardson Gratings Laboratory, Newport Corporation, Rochester, NY – Scientist Staff

Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, Staff Research Scientist;

Since 1995 – Associate Professor;

Since 2003 – Head of the Diffraction Gratings Group in ISSP-BAS.

Main scientific interests:  diffraction gratings         technology and applications,
integrated optics            technology and devices.

International Experience:

1.   Invite Professor in Laboratory Hubert Curien, Faculty of Science, Jean Monnet University, Saint-Etienne, France, 2000-2012 (several months per year as described in the table below).

2.   VI EU Framework-Project, Network of Excellence 2004-2008: (3DTV) Integrated Three-Dimensional Television – Capture, Transmission and Display; Contract No.: 511568.

3.   Participation in the Copernicus Project “COPERNICUS 959” of European Union, 1995-99: “Mobile communication systems on the base of solid state elements”.

4.   Participation in the NATO Project: HTECH.LG 961117, 1996-1998: Structure of thin solid films. Linear and nonlinear interactions.

5.   NATO CN Supplement No. 970333, 1998: Computer network.

Fields of expertise

The scientific and technological experience is related field of obtaining, investigation and application of corrugated holographic diffraction gratings and integrated optical elements and devices.

The main scientific interests and achievements concern the development of technology for obtaining of high-quality holographic gratings with definite parameters (period, depth and profile) on different kinds of substrates.

Other area of interests and experience includes the development of different devices in ferro electrical waveguides, as well as optical, electro-optical and spectroscopic (IR, Micro- and Waveguide-Raman Spectroscopy) characterization.


-     Excellent analytical and problem solving skills;

-     Strong practical laboratory skills;

-     Strong experience in:

o    technology of holographic diffraction gratings;

o    integrated-optical technologies and device design;

o    photolithography;

o    optical measurement technique;

o    clean room;

o    AFM-measurement;

-     Experience in Raman spectroscopy;

-     Experienced as graduate students mentor;

-     Standard computer skills (Windows, Microsoft Word, Origin, SpectraCalc, GratingSolver, The Chandezon and ModalMethods Software, ProScan, etc.)

-     Fluent in Bulgarian, Russian and English.


Ø   Ph.D. in Physics, 1985, Thesis: “Electro-optic elements and devices using Ti:LiNbO3 waveguides and two parallel electrodes”;

Ø   MS in Solid State Physics, 1979, Thesis: “Holographic diffraction gratings in integrated optics”.


Author and co-author of more than 150 scientific papers and 10 patents.

Participant of many national and international conferences and symposiums.

List of papers is available on request. Web site: http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Svetlen_Tonchev/


Gold Integral for invention – National Committee for Science and Technical Progress, 6 institutional awards for papers and equipment development.